Monday 30 November 2009

Feds To Sharpen Cybersecurity Job Policies

By J. Nicholas Hoover
November 24, 2009

On the heels of a report that raised concerns about the competency of cybersecurity pros at the Department of the Interior, the Office of Personnel Management plans to develop better ways to ensure that the federal cybersecurity workforce is up to snuff.

In a recent memo to federal HR directors, OPM director John Berry said the effort will include developing policies and guidance on job classification, hiring, performance management, and workforce education and development. He implied that the work was brought on by a consensus among OPM, the federal CIO Council, and federal Chief Human Capital Officers Council that cybersecurity workforce development required a government-wide framework.

That bears out with other findings. Earlier this year, Booz Allen Hamilton surveyed 69 officials from 18 federal agencies and concluded that among other challenges to federal cybersecurity, "fragmented governance and uncoordinated leadership" hinder the ability to meet the government's cybersecurity needs.

A report issued this month by the Department of the Interior highlights the problems Barry and OPM plan to address. Among cybersecurity staff, Interior requires only self-certified training, and the inspector general found that only 13.5% of self certifications were relevant and complete.



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