Friday 15 January 2010

U.S. Army Website Hacked

By Kelly Jackson Higgins
Jan 12, 2010

Romanian hackers continue to have a field day with SQL injection flaws in major Website applications: A vulnerability in a U.S. Army Website that leaves the database wide open to an attacker has now been exposed.

"TinKode," a Romanian hacker who previously found holes in NASA's Website, has posted a proof-of-concept on his findings on a SQL injection vulnerability in an Army Website that handles military housing, Army Housing OneStop. TinKode found a hole that leaves the site, which has since been taken offline, vulnerable to a vulnerable to a SQL injection attack. "With this vulnerability I can see/extract all things from databases," he blogged.

TinKode was able to gain access to more than 75 databases on the server, according to his research, including potentially confidential Army data.
He also discovered that the housing site was storing weak passwords in plain text. One password was AHOS, like the site's name.

"Four-character passwords that are the same name as the database table names are inexcusable," says Robert "RSnake" Hansen, founder of SecTheory.



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