Wednesday 25 November 2009

Microsoft warns of IE exploit code in the wild

By Elinor Mills
InSecurity Complex
CNet News
November 23, 2009

Microsoft on Monday said it is investigating a possible vulnerability in Internet Explorer after exploit code that allegedly can be used to take control of computers, if they visit a Web site hosting the code, was posted to a security mailing list.

Microsoft confirmed that the exploit code affects IE 6 and IE 7, but not IE 8, and it said it is "currently unaware of any attacks trying to use the claimed vulnerability or of customer impact," according to a statement.

The exploit code was published to the BugTraq mailing list on Friday with no explanation.

"The exploit targets a vulnerability in the way Internet Explorer uses Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) information. CSS is used in many Web pages to define the presentation of the sites' content," Symantec wrote in a blog post this weekend.




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