Wednesday 25 November 2009

The rise of targeted attacks

Webcast Earlier this month Paul Wood of MessageLabs joined Freeform Dynamics’ Jon Collins in the Reg studio to discuss targeted attacks and their affect on the modern business.

This thirty minute audio webcast with accompanying slides is now available to watch free of charge from the Reg Archives.

Volumes of targeted attacks are on the rise, but what does this mean for the business and what should we all be looking out for? Tune into Jon and Paul's conversation as they dish out opinion and help shed some light on now we can all make sure we're better protected.

Squeezing in a whole host of the latest facts and figures, Paul kicks proceedings off by giving an overview of targeted attacks, highlighting the industries and document types most under threat, the reasons for targeted attacks becoming popular and some real-world examples.

Jon wraps things up with his take on why businesses have the most to lose and the solutions and processes that will help in combating this type of attack.

Help keep your organisation safe. Tune into the conversation here. Feedback via the tab on the media player is welcome, as always. ®



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